The Better Place
The Better Place Podcast
Welcome To The Better Place.

Welcome To The Better Place.

Here's what you should know about this Substack.

I'm shocked and thankful that we have almost 500 subscribers here

I’m so very thankful for each of you who takes time out of your day to read the words that make it onto this Substack & now listen to the Audio Notes accompanying it.

For all you new subscribers, this article will cover:

  • A bit about me

  • Why I started the better place

  • What you’ll find here

If you’ve been a long-time reader…thank you for doing what you’ve been doing, I hope this serves as a way for you to revisit why you're here, and encourages you to share this work with others that need it.

Let’s go.

About Ivan

In 2010, I left New York and began a career in the United States Air Force.

After fourteen years I decided to stop following orders and become an entrepreneur.

I spent 9 years in construction for the government and then spent almost 5 years teaching leadership for the Chief Master Sergeant Donald L. Harlow Airman Leadership School (yes, I know, long name, lol).

Although I found purpose in the Air Force mission, life began to show me I had a bigger mission looming. A mission to become unstuck and help others do the same through self-leadership.

I met my wife in Japan, I lived there for three years and eventually said goodbye to come back to the good ol’ US of A.

In 2017, we had our son.

Everything changed.

At the time, stress was high, work was demanding (it always was) and I would often say things like “I hate this place.”

It turns out that a lot of other people did too.

One day, while driving home from work, in uniform, and talking to my wife…it hit me.

I don’t want to do this forever.

This feeling started in 2018, after 8 years of service.

Last year, after a series of challenges for our family from 2021-2023, I decided to pull the plug.

The time had come.

What is the better place?

I find we all want a better place to work.

But what’s more, I realized that we all carry a place inside of us, and over time this inner place becomes muggy, dirty, dark, and even forgotten.

When I started brainstorming my idea for a business, I knew it had to do with something “place.”

Life can beat us into a dark place.

It might seem there is no answer or way out, but I believe that we can create a better place.

Eventually, this inner place we create transcends to the place we create outside of us.

And so “The Better Place” was born.

I begin with this very assertive assumption that if you want to change the place you’re in, you have to start with the place within.

Through my business and by extension this publication, you’ll gain tools, ideas, perspectives, and philosophies to help you on your journey to becoming unstuck.

The audio notes of this newsletter can be listened to directly on the substack app, your email, YouTube or anywhere you listen to podcasts.

My goal is to create something you can listen to, and read from, anytime, anywhere.

Consider this a conversation WITH you and not me talking to you.

As A Supporter of The Better Place you’ll find:

  • Honesty & Transparency

  • Deep dives & Real-world applications

  • Thought-provoking conversations

  • Ideas to help you on the long road ahead

It will also be written under the assumption that you are a free thinker, encouraged by learning new things, and focused with a relentless commitment to becoming unstuck in every aspect of your life.

I hope this newsletter makes its way into the fabric of your daily life.


To change the place you’re in, start with the place within.

See you on the next one.

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The Better Place
The Better Place Podcast
Helping You Become Unstuck your life, and career through self-leadership.
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Appears in episode
Ivan Abreu Luciano