I Help Leaders Become Unstuck, And Improve Communication & Collaboration To Cultivate High Performing Teams.

The best place to start is to join our free community on Skool:

Free Community

This community is FREE For Life right now, but will have a cost to enter soon! Join us in this early stage to be grandfathered in with lifetime access!

The next step is to take the 5 Voices assessment here:

Free Assessment!

Then message me in our community to review your results!

That’s it! Quick, easy, and transformational!

You’re Journey to Becoming Unstuck Starts Now!

If you signed up for a free toolkit session, congratulations! I’m excited to see you at the next event!

If you want to look at all available dates go here:

Free Events

If you’re eager to start reading the newsletter you can start with this post about Jackie Chan.


“To change the place you’re in, start with the place within.”


Subscribe to The Better Place

The newsletter for those looking to increase communication, collaboration & self-awareness.


A 14-year veteran that got fed up with taking orders and became an entrepreneur.